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Referência Bibliográfica

COLE, P.D., CHESTER, D.K., GUEST, J.E., DUNCAN, A.M., BAXTER, P., DUDLEY, E., GASPAR, J.L. (1996) - Volcanic Hazard and Evacuation Assessment for Furnas Volcano, São Miguel Azores. Meeting of Applied Geosciences UK, Warwick, April 1996 (Comunicação Oral).


Furnas EU laboratory volcano on the island of São Miguel in the Azores has been active over the past 90,000 years. Explosive activity has dominated its history with at least 10 explosive eruptions occurring during the last 5.000 years. Most of these eruptions have involved phreatomagmatic activity and were not equally spaced in time, indicating that the behaviour of the volcano was episodic. Volcanic hazard maps have been prepared for the two end member (largest & smallest) eruptions of the last 5,000 years. The hazard maps use a variable vent location to predict the maximum ash fall thickness based on the two eruptions.
Plans for evacuation, in the event of a future eruption have been drawn up on the basis of these maps and have identified features of the environment and society of the Furnas district which could affect the success of evacuation. Data from emergency planning perspectives are being integrated into a Geographical Information System (GIS). This will allow interactive variation of eruption parameters (e.g. column height, wind direction and strength) to test evacuation models and enable the hazard assessment to be updated as data become available during the progress of an actual eruption.

