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ID de Correlação:463a56d4-d7c1-4e62-b12c-24d5cf76d05a

Dr. Patrick Allard

  ​E-mail: [email protected]

Patrick Allard

Patrick Allard is emeritus Research Director in French CNRS, attached to IPGP (Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris), in the team ‘Volcanic Systems’. For over 50 years PA has been studying active volcanoes, volcanic fluids and magma degassing processes in various regions of the world (Europe; Lesser Antilles and Reunion; Afar, RD Congo; Central and South America; Indonesia, Japan, New Zealand, Vanuatu, Kamchatka, Philippines, Galapagos), by using a wide variety of tracers and instrumental approaches: from stable and radioactive isotopes in gases and waters to remote sensing tools (UV and OP-FTIR spectroscopy, Doppler radar), from ground studies of high-temperature volcanic gases and diffuse soil degassing to airborne measurements of volcanic plume emissions.  PA has worked in different research centers in France and made several research stays in foreign countries (Italy, Japan, Singapore). He has been secretary then co-leader of the IAVCEI Commission ‘Chemistry of Volcanic Gases’ and was elected as vice-President (2015-2019) then President (2019-2023) of the IAVCEI (International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth Interior). PA is also Associate researcher with INGV (Catania, Italy), since 2003, and Liaison Officer of the IUGG with UNESCO for 2023-2027.