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Artigos em livros de atas ► Internacionais


Referência Bibliográfica

CABRAL, J., FERREIRA, T., GASPAR, J.L., QUEIROZ, G. (2012) - Perigos geológicos na ilha do Fogo (Cabo Verde): implicações para o planeamento de emergência. In: Quinta-Ferreira, M., Barata, M.T., Lopes, F.C., Andrade, A.I., Henriques, M.H., Pena dos Reis, R., Ivo Alves, E. (coord.) Para desenvolver a Terra: Memórias e Notícias de Geociências no Espaço Lusófono, Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra: 131-139.


​Fogo Island is the only island in Cape Verde Archipelago with historical volcanism, where three dozen events were recorded since the end of the XV century, mostly of hawaiian and strombolian types. The most recent volcanic eruptions took place in 1951 and 1995. The seismicity registered in Fogo Island has been related to phenomena of magmatic or tectonic origin generated in the influence area of the island or in the Fogo‑Brava axis, and it has involved marked seismic swarms, in general, by low magnitude events, and felt earthquakes with strong to very strong intensities. Mass movements are another geologic hazard that is well evident in Fogo Island. These phenomena may be triggered by seismic or volcanic activity, but also by heavy rainfall. They are reflected in accidents of varying size, as evidenced by the eastern flank collapse of the central volcano or by the scars of landslides preserved in the caldera wall, in fault scarps or in the steeper slopes of streamlines or shorelines. The high volcanic risk that characterizes the Fogo Island, coupled with the occurrence of earthquakes and mass movements, justifies the implementation of a multidisciplinary monitoring program in this area of Cape Verde Archipelago, involving the design, installation, development and operation of geophysical, geodetic, geochemical and environmental networks.

