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Referência Bibliográfica

CRUZ, J.V., ANDRADE, C., COUTINHO, R. (2023) - Escoamento de base em cursos de água nos Açores (Portugal): implicações para o cálculo das disponibilidades hídricas subterráneas. Livro de Resumos do XI Congresso Nacional de Geologia, Coimbra, Portugal, 469-470.


​​Hydrograph analysis allows to estimate baseflow, which corresponds to the volume of groundwater that contributes to the overall river flow. To estimate the baseflow in the permanent rivers in the Azores, a database of average daily flow recorded at the various hydrometric stations that make up the so-called Azores Hydrometeorological Network was studied using BFI+ v.s 3.0 software. Results obtained show that in most of the studied rivers base flow is relevant. In São Miguel Island baseflow ranges between 36% (Ribeira do Guilherme) and values higher than 80%. In Santa Maria base flow is on average approximately 48% of the overall flow in the only permanent river in the island. In Ribeira Grande river (Flores Island) baseflow ranges between 56% and 63%. These values also allow to validate the fraction of the groundwater resources considered as exploitable along the Azores River Basin Management Plan.

