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Referência Bibliográfica

VIVEIROS, F., SILVA, C., MORENO, L., MEDEIROS, B., OLIVEIRA, S., MATIAS, D., CRUZ, H., MONTALVO, A., PRIMO, C. (2023) - Rede permanente de monitorização de gases vulcânicos do arquipélago dos Açores. Livro de Resumos do XI Congresso Nacional de Geologia, Coimbra, Portugal, 287-288.


​The permanent gas geochemistry monitoring network of the Azores archipelago started to be implemented in 2001 with the installation of the first soil CO2 flux station at Furnas Volcano (São Miguel, Azores). Currently, eight permanent CO2 flux stations are installed in four of the nine islands of the archipelago, namely São Miguel, Terceira, Graciosa and São Jorge islands. These stations perform measurements based on the accumulation chamber method and have coupled several environmental sensors to measure barometric pressure, air temperature, air relative humidity, rainfall, soil water content and soil temperature, as well as wind speed and direction. Two soil CO2 concentrations stations are also installed, and all these instruments are used for monitoring the active volcanoes of the islands. Considering the possible impact volcanic gases can have on the human health, fifty-two CO2, three H2S and five 222Rn detectors are permanently monitoring air quality in various buildings and caves.

