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Referência Bibliográfica

ALFAMA, V., BRILHA, J. (2010) - Geotourism in Fogo Island, Cape Verde. MAKAVOLK 2010. Cabo Verde, 4-9 de Dezembro de 2010 (Comunicação Oral).


Geotourism is a form of sustainable tourism that can contribute to the development of local population's economy, respecting sustainability criteria, as it has been put into practice in geoparks of the Global Network of Geoparks, under the auspices of UNESCO. In recent years, geotourism became a significant activity towards the conservation, valuing and promotion of the geological heritage. The concept of sustainable development has emerged from the growing concern for improving future living conditions without causing unnecessary depletion of natural resources. This should be considered in all human activities, including tourism. The latter should operationalize the concept of sustainability in all its activities, contributing to a long-living sustainable development.


This work is focused on the Fogo Island geodiversity, particularly on the Pico de Fogo volcano due to its remarkable geodiversity. Over the years, this landscape has been recognized as an important scientific, cultural, educational, aesthetic and especially tourist resource. Hence, the development of specialized documentation describing it becomes a priority. An inventory of geosites in Fogo Island has resulted in the identification of nine geosites and an area of geological interest (Chã das Caldeiras) constituted by more seven geosites distributed in the Fogo Natural Park. The majority of these geosites present geomorphological, volcanological and stratigraphical relevance as well as a high touristic value. A geotouristic guidebook was produced in order to promote the knowledge and respect for this geological heritage by national and international visitors.


It has been shown that the high volcanic geodiversity of Fogo Island and the value of its geosites justify the adoption of geotourism for the region, which should be assumed by the national authorities. This recommendation extends to the remaining islands. It is urgent to raise the awareness of the Cape Verdean authorities and population in general for the actions on geoconservation and geotourism. These authorities should recognize the importance of geotourism and its inclusion into policies and strategies for the Nature Conservation of Cape Verde. The preservation of these sites should be considered a priority, as they constitute the support of a sustainable activity with clear advantages for the local populations. The creation of a geopark in Fogo Island could become a tool to ensure the sustainability of the natural and cultural identities of this territory through geoturism and improving the living conditions of local populations.

